About Us > PhysioNews and Other News > Balogun Appointed Emeritus Professor at UNIMED

Emeritus Professor Joseph A. BalogunThe University Of Medical Sciences (UNIMED) at Ondo City, Nigeria in 2016 established an entry-level baccalaureate degree program in physiotherapy. The university recently made three key appointments in the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences in preparation for the transitioning to a clinical Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPT) program. Dr. Joseph Abiodun Balogun was appointed Emeritus Professor of Physiotherapy in the Department of Physiotherapy. Dr. Balogun is currently a Distinguished University Professor at the College of Health Sciences at Chicago State University. Under this appointment, Professor Balogun will spend his summer months each year working at UNIMED. His primary responsibilities are to engage in curriculum co-development, research, and to supervise graduate students thesis and dissertation.
In announcing this appointment, the Vice-Chancellor of UNIMED, Professor Friday Okonofua, described Professor Balogun “as an accomplished academic leader, strategic planner, and physiotherapist educator with more than 30 years of success designing, implementing, and evaluating high-quality academic programs, at reputable universities around the world. UNIMED, being the first specialized university in Nigeria, is uniquely positioned to be able to attract a world-renowned scholar of the caliber of Professor Balogun to the first Emeritus Professor appointment at the University.” He concluded that “Professor Balogun will spend his time at UNIMED to mentor the next generation of medical scientists and physiotherapists.”
This past summer, Professor Balogun conducted a two-day national workshop on “Best Practices in Academic/Clinical Department Administration and Scholarship of Discovery” at UNIMED. The workshop attracted over 70 Heads of Academic and Clinical Departments, Scholars, and Scientists from different universities in Nigeria. Professor Balogun also co-taught a physical therapy course at the University. Between June and August, Professor Balogun wrote a $6.1 million grant in collaboration with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Okonofua, to establish a Center of Excellence in Trauma and Emergency Medicine at UNIMED. The Center will provide clinical fellowships for physicians and postgraduate (MS and Ph.D.) degree programs in trauma and emergency care for allied health professionals. The grant proposal was submitted to the National Universities Commission under the Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) Impact Project for funding by the World Bank Group.

The Nigeria Physiotherapy Network heartily congratulates Professor Balogun for this well deserved recognition.

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22:00:36 03.09.2018